Color is important, but it has to be understood in the best way. When you go into a landscape and look at nature, you will see color mixed up completely at random. No one says this in bad taste or that nature has no taste to choose colors. Garden Design as professional landscape Los Angeles is capable of a great deal and this is largely to do with the way in which we perceive space. It is well known fact that the hot colors, red, orange and yellow are visually very attractive. So keep hot colors closer to the house, or major viewpoint.

Color, color, color

Color, along with form, line, texture and scale, is one of the basic elements of landscape design, while proportion, transition and unity are some of the principles that rely on those elements. Your choice of colors to be used in the yard should not be considered in isolation. Rather, always keep in mind how color interplays with the other basic elements, with the principles of landscape design, and with the overall objectives of your plan.

The secret is not to let things get out of hand, so that one color dominates or a particular species gets a little unruly. This is the difference between landscape architecture and gardens: one is alive, the other is dead.